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Turning Your School Around

A Self-Guided Audit for School Improvement

Learn a step-by-step protocol for the self-guided audit that focuses on the most crucial areas of school improvement identified in The Kids Left Behind, the nationally recognized work by Robert D. Barr and William H. Parrett. The authors give readers a realistic view of the work involved in a top-to-bottom audit, while providing supporting evidence of its effectiveness.


  • Gain tools that improve achievement in schools of danger of failing as well as moderately successful schools.
  • Review concrete findings of the Education Trust and other current research.
  • Get a detailed, systematic, step-by-step explanation of the audit process, along with practice exercises.
  • Facilitate consensus-building, dialogue, trust, collaboration, and student achievement.

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Turning Your School Around

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Part I: The Struggle for School Improvement
Chapter 1: A Science of Teaching and Learning
Chapter 2: An Overview of the Audit
Chapter 3: A Closer Look at the Audit
Chapter 4: Audit Team Training Exercise
Part II: The Nine School Improvement Audits
1: Eliminate Practices That Manufacture Low Achievement
2: Ensure Effective District and School Leadership
3: Align, Monitor, and Manage the Curriculum
4: Engage Parents, Community, and Schools to Work as Partners
5: Understand and Hold High Expectations for Poor and Culturally Diverse Students
6: Target Low-Performing Students and Schools, Starting With Reading
7: Create a Culture of Data and Assessment Literacy
8: Build and Sustain Instructional Capacity
9: Reorganize Time, Space, and Transitions
Appendix A: Reproducible Forms
Appendix B: The Audit Protocols
Appendix C: A Framework of Research on High-Poverty, High-Performing Schools


Audit Team Exercise Sample Data


