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Designing Teacher-Student Partnership Classrooms

Shift classroom structures to enhance student success. By becoming learning partners with their students, teachers can help them develop enthusiasm for learning and employ deep learning goals. Discover how to cultivate a classroom environment in which students can apply what they’ve learned, teach it to their teacher and fellow students, and understand how their knowledge will be useful beyond the classroom.
See the other books in the Solutions for Digital Learner–Centered Classrooms series.


  • Gain strategy-rich and practical ways connected to Michael Fullan’s 6 Cs to immediately create change in classrooms.
  • Study real stories and examples of transformation in K–12 classrooms, and read teachers’ and students’ comments.
  • Discover online organizational, planning, and collection tools that educators can use to manage recordkeeping, assessment, feedback, and personal professional development.
  • Determine how to connect with other classrooms and maintain personal portfolios online.
  • Ascertain the importance of transparency as part of a healthy school culture.

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Chapter 1: What Does It Look Like When the Teacher Becomes a Learning Partner?
Chapter 2: The 6 Cs in Action
Chapter 3: Bring Back the Fun With New Professional Development Experiences
Chapter 4: Connected Learning Is the Future



Chapter 1

Apps for Creating Screencasts

Online Lesson Planning Tools

Social Media Platforms

Other Resources

Chapter 2

Online Lesson Planning Tools

Social Media Platforms

Video-Conferencing Software

Chapter 3

Social Media Platforms

Technology Tools for Creating Classroom Assessments

Tools for Connecting With Experts

Chapter 4

Districts Sharing Their Stories

Other Resources