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Harnessing Technology for Deeper Learning

Discover the 4 Shifts Protocol for integrating technology in the classroom, a clear approach that promotes deeper, personalized learning across subjects and grade levels. This quick read will help guide you through educational technology integration and digital learning space creation.


  • Consider the challenge educators face when integrating technology in the classroom and current technology-integration frameworks, such as SAMR, RAT, and TPACK.
  • Discover how to create a successful digital learning space or environment that encourages academic growth.
  • Explore the authors’ 4 Shifts Protocol (formerly trudacot), which focuses on the four big shifts that schools are making toward (1) deeper thinking and learning, (2) authentic work, (3) student agency and personalized learning, and (4) technology infusion.
  • Learn how the 4 Shifts Protocol can help teachers adjust and improve their current lessons and activities.
  • Study specific scenarios on how to utilize the 4 Shifts Protocol across multiple subjects and grade levels.

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Harnessing Technology for Deeper Learning

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Introduction: Framing the Challenge
Chapter 1: Seeking a New Approach
Chapter 2: Introducing the 4 Shifts Protocol
Chapter 3: Redesigning Elementary School Lessons and Units
Chapter 4: Redesigning Secondary Lessons and Units
Chapter 5: Designing From Standards
Chapter 6: Implementing the Protocol—Techniques, Strategies, and Suggestions
Epilogue: Staying in Touch