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Teaching the iGeneration Second Edition

5 Easy Ways to Introduce Essential Skills With Web 2.0 Tools

Find the natural overlap between the work you already believe in and the digital tools that define today's learning. Each chapter introduces an enduring skill: information fluency, verbal persuasion, visual persuasion, collaborative dialogue, and problem solving. Then, the authors present a digital solution that can be used to enhance traditional skill-based instructional practices. A collection of handouts and supporting materials tailored to each skill and tool type ends each chapter.


  • Find a wealth of handouts and activities focused on each skill and digital tool discussed.
  • Explore practical methods to connect the enduring skills taught for generations with the technology that students are using every day.
  • Understand concrete ways that students can make a difference around the world.
  • Learn step-by-step directions for each digital tool.
  • Investigate numerous online resources, and understand the pros and cons of each.

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Teaching the iGeneration

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Introduction: The iGeneration
Chapter 1: Managing Information in the 21st Century
Chapter 2: Exploring Verbal Persuasion
Chapter 3: Exploring Visual Persuasion
Chapter 4: Exploring Collaborative Dialogue
Chapter 5: Exploring Collaborative Problem Solving
Appendix: Technology Permission Slip


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5




Chapter 1

Feed Reader Programs

Social Bookmarking Applications

Other Resources

Chapter 2

Blogging Examples

Blogging Platforms

Chapter 3

Online Creative Commons Warehouses

Photo Sharing Services

Tools for Making Visual Influence Projects

Video Applications and Examples

Chapter 4

Applications for Online Conversations

VoiceThread and VoiceThread Examples

Chapter 5

Wiki Samples

Other Resources


Kid-Friendly Social Networking Sites
