Hector Montenegro
Hector Montenegro, EdD, provides training on instructional strategies for English learners, leadership development for administrators and instructional coaches, and the teacher coaching process through the use of technology.
Hector Montenegro
Hector Montenegro, EdD, provides training on instructional strategies for English learners, leadership development for administrators and instructional coaches, and the teacher coaching process through the use of technology.
His career as an educator spans four decades and includes service as a secondary mathematics teacher, assistant principal, principal, chief of staff (for Washington, DC, public schools), deputy superintendent for instructional services, area superintendent, and superintendent of schools for three Texas school districts.
As the senior district advisor for the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), a nonprofit organization based in Chicago, Dr. Montenegro provides technical expertise to further advance the science and practice of school-based social and emotional learning.
An internationally recognized keynote and motivational speaker who has appeared at conferences, conventions, universities, and schools around the world, Dr. Montenegro has worked with the US embassies in Chile and Peru on education reform. He is the recipient of numerous state and national awards.
Dr. Montenegro earned a master’s degree from Stanford University and a doctorate from the University of Texas at Austin.
Presentations by Hector Montenegro
- The Power of ONE: Improving Achievement and Eliminating the Gaps for Latino Students and ELLs
- Social and Emotional Learning (SEL): The Qualitative Difference Between Success or Failure for Culturally Diverse Populations
- The Fish Philosophy and SEL: Fishing for a Brighter Future for ALL Children . . . Together
- Parent/Teacher Home Visits: Ensuring Meaningful Communication With Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Parents
- Separate Silos or Engaging Systems: Transforming a School System From the Inside Out
- Creating a Courageous Leadership Team to Transform a School District
- The Four Cs of 21st Century Leadership Skills
- Sustaining the Improvement Process of ALL: Leadership and PLCs
- From Turbulence to Tranquility: Systemic Change and PLCs
- Beginning With the End in Mind: Systemic School Reform Strategies
- Transforming a School District From Good to Great
- How the Mighty Fall: Districts and District Leaders Are Not Exempt From the Five Stages of Decline
- Dual Language/Bilingual Education: Trials and Tribulations of Systemic Change
- Creating a Brighter Future for ALL Children in a Multilingual Society