Jay Jackson
Jay Jackson is an educator at Fremont Unified School District and has been a teacher or administrator since 2002. His focus is to help students become more successful and happier versions of themselves as they take on challenges.
Jay Jackson
Jay Jackson is an educator at Fremont Unified School District and has been a teacher or administrator since 2002. Before becoming an educator, he served for seven years as the assistant wrestling coach at Stanford University. His focus in education is to help students become more successful and happier versions of themselves as they take on challenges. He accomplishes this by using simple tools that, when coupled with questions, allow him to integrate concepts of sports psychology into academic classes. These tools promote student introspection on how they can best achieve peak performance while remaining joyful.
Jay has led conversations and modeled his tools with individual educators of all subjects, departments, schools, sports leagues, and businesses throughout the United States and Canada to share his process. Leaders working with prekindergarten through adults have successfully utilized his tools in their classrooms, programs, and organizations.
Jay received a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Stanford University in California and a master’s degree in education from Pacific Lutheran University in Washington.
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Product Code: PTR1001