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Mardale Dunsworth

Mardale Dunsworth has over 15 years of administrative experience in federal program management, school improvement, policy development and implementation, and data system design and implementation.


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Mardale Dunsworth

Mardale Dunsworth has over 15 years of administrative experience in federal program management, school improvement, policy development and implementation, and data system design and implementation.

She was Race to the Top turnaround partner for nine low-performing, high-poverty, high-minority schools on the Big Island of Hawaii. During this period, all nine schools enjoyed remarkable success in improving student achievement.

Mardale was director of professional development for Washington State, where she led the development of an innovative web-based statewide professional development and certification system including the design and creation of an online licensing process, an events registration site, and a centralized registry for high-quality professional development that connects school improvement planning and professional growth planning for teachers.

She was director of curriculum, instruction, and professional technical education at the Oregon Department of Education, where she administered Goals 2000, Perkins, and Title II federal grant programs. In 1999, Mardale led the team that developed the first legislatively mandated Oregon Report Card ensuring a fair, valid, and reliable rating system for every school and district in the state.

She has a BA in public policy and administration and an MS in education (curriculum and instruction).

Presentations by Mardale Dunsworth

  • Turning Around High-Poverty, High-Minority Schools
  • How to Become a High-Performing School: Training Teams to Benchmark the 10 Indicators of Effectiveness
  • The Essential Components of High Performance: Benchmarking Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment