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The reflect, refine and act cycle

The Reflect, Refine, and Act Cycle


Ask: How well do I revise my work and take action?

Work the Task

Ask: How well do I use and understand appropriate solution strategies?

Receive FAST Feedback

Ask: How well do I respond and take action to feedback?

Why Mathematics at Work?

Mathematics at Work is built on the fundamental belief that every PreK–12 student can learn mathematics. Participants in the Mathematics at Work professional development:

  1. Gain deeper insight into the essential mathematics team agreements and teamwork actions as part of the Professional Learning Communities at Work™ process.
  2. Reflect on current practice using team-discussion protocols, author stories, teacher-reflection activities, and team recommendations for their daily work.
  3. Examine research and use professional best-practice design criteria and routines for the design of common unit assessments, daily instruction and processes, daily homework, grading, and schoolwide Tier 1 and Tier 2 mathematics intervention
  4. Design and use effective grade band and Unit by unit-by0unit grade=level and course based standards for appropriate sequencing and story arcs across PreK-2, 3-5, 6-8,. and high school.

The authors of Mathematics at Work understand that to achieve this purpose, teachers and leaders of mathematics should establish a reflect, refine, and act formative learning process for their students and for themselves. Mathematics lesson design and implementation, assessment design and intervention, and design and grading routines become purposeful outcomes to support your school or district—one teacher, teacher team, and teacher leader at a time.

Perseverance and ownership

Use your daily mathematics assessment, lesson, and homework design criteria to help your students develop confidence, ownership, and productive perseverance in their daily mathematics learning.

Reflective and routine

Establish highly effective mathematics instruction, assessment, intervention, and grading routines to help your students become active participants in a formative feedback cycle of learning.


Timothy D. Kanold explains the Mathematics at Work™ framework and how it improves student learning.

Meet the Mathematics at Work Thought Leaders

Timothy D. Kanold

Timothy D. Kanold

Timothy D. Kanold, PhD, an award-winning educator and author, is former superintendent of Adlai E. Stevenson High School District 125, a Model PLC at Work® district in Lincolnshire, Illinois.

Mona Toncheff

Mona Toncheff

Mona Toncheff, an education consultant and author, is project manager for the Arizona Mathematics Partnership (a National Science Foundation–funded grant). She is a former mathematics content specialist.

Sarah Schuhl

Sarah Schuhl

Sarah Schuhl is a consultant specializing in professional learning communities, assessment, school improvement, and mathematics. She has been a secondary mathematics teacher, high school instructional coach, and PreK–12 mathematics specialist.

Georgina Rivera

Georgina Rivera

Georgina Rivera is an elementary school principal with over 20 years of experience in public education. She works with educators and leaders to build collaborative teams and ensure all students receive high-quality mathematics instruction.

Brian Buckhalter

Brian Buckhalter

Brian Buckhalter, affectionately known as Dr. Buck, is a presenter with nearly 20 years of experience. He specializes in helping teachers and students build conceptual understanding in tandem with procedural application of mathematics skills and concepts.

Jennifer Deinhart

Jennifer Deinhart

Jennifer Deinhart is a K–8 mathematics specialist working as a mathematics instructional coach at Rose Hill Elementary in Virginia. A passionate educator with more than 20 years of experience working with diverse populations within Title I schools, she works collaboratively with teams of teachers to provide quality mathematics instruction.

Start improving mathematics teaching and learning today!