Carol E. Canady
Carol E. Canady is a literacy advisor with various school districts across the eastern United States. Her passion is to help educators reduce student failure by institutionalizing practices that accelerate reading achievement.
Carol E. Canady
Carol E. Canady is a literacy advisor with various school districts across the eastern United States. Her passion is to empower educators with strategies that reduce student failure, primarily by institutionalizing administrative and literacy practices that produce accelerated reading gains. Her consulting focus includes teaching teachers how to use various assessment measures and instructional strategies within a response to intervention framework; using phonemic awareness, word study, and fluency instruction as bridges to effective reading comprehension; and scheduling and implementing small-group literacy teams to accelerate reading achievement in the early grades.
Dr. Canady also develops primary-grade curricula and makes curriculum recommendations aligned with state standards, with a focus on accelerating reading-foundation skills. In her private practice, she provides diagnostic services and strategies to help students reading below grade level progress at an accelerated pace of two to three years in one school calendar year. In schools with intervention and enrichment periods, she helps students advance to higher levels of reading and writing accomplishment.
Dr. Canady has served as a faculty member in early-childhood and teacher education at three universities in Ohio. Her undergraduate and graduate teaching focus is in literacy assessment and instruction and in children’s literature with a focus on prekindergarten through grade 3. She also served for thirteen years as a teacher, counselor, and literary coach in grades K–8. As a literacy coach, she pioneered literacy teaming and assisted schools in high-poverty school districts to experience accelerated reading progress.
Dr. Canady earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee, and a master’s degree in counselor education and a PhD in reading education from the University of Virginia. She has published widely in various educational journals and has given presentations in several states across the United States.