Daniel Cohan
Daniel Cohan is chief of schools for the Jefferson County Public School District in Colorado, where he supervises elementary, middle, and high schools, K–12.
Daniel Cohan
Daniel Cohan is chief of schools for the Jefferson County Public School District in Colorado, where he supervises elementary, middle, and high schools, K–12. Jeffco Public Schools is striving to become a Model PLC at WorkⓇ district, with over 100 schools of all sizes, levels, and demographics implementing PLC and RTI practices. As chief of schools, and with 32 years of experience in teaching and administration, Daniel supervises and supports schools to achieve this goal.
Daniel is the former principal of Pomona High School in Arvada, Colorado, where he and his staff implemented highly effective PLC and RTI processes, becoming a Model PLC at Work school featured on the AllThingsPLC website. Daniel led Pomona from academic probation and one step away from losing its accreditation to achieving Accredited, High-Performing status for four consecutive years. Pomona has been named as a Colorado School of Distinction and a Creative School of Excellence. The Colorado Department of Education recognized Pomona as a high-performing school based on high student-growth scores for three consecutive years.
Even with changing student demographics, Pomona students scored in the top 1 percent of growth scores in Colorado for large high schools in all three measured areas (reading, writing, and math) for three consecutive years. During this time, the graduation rate at Pomona increased almost ten percentage points to 93.5 percent.
Daniel was honored as the 2008–09 Colorado High School Principal of the Year by the Colorado Association of School Executives and the National Association of Secondary School Principals. He was also a top-three finalist for 2009–10 National High School Principal of the Year.
Daniel earned a bachelor’s in mathematics and teacher certification from the University of Colorado Boulder. He earned a master’s in administration, supervision, and curriculum development from the University of Colorado Denver.
PLC at Work®
PLC at Work® experts have proven success in leading the PLC at Work process in a school or district. Work with them to implement a focus on learning, build a collaborative culture, and create a results orientation that leads to sustained, substantive school improvement.
RTI at Work™
RTI at Work experts focus on learning for all students and will empower you to build your own timely, targeted, and systematic intervention program. Work with them to implement a results-driven program that provides targeted instruction at all tiers of intervention.
Presentations by Daniel Cohan
- Response to Intervention: A Systemic and Systematic Approach
- PLCs: Meeting the Needs of All Students
- A Natural Alignment: PLCs and RTI
- Data Decision-Making Using the RTI Model
- Team Structures and Responsibilities in a PLC
- “Loose vs. Tight” Leadership in the PLC Process
- Working with Resistors and Resistance in the PLC Process
- Common Assessments to Improve Individual and Team Practice
- Building a Professional Learning Community at the High School Level
- What Are My Responsibilities as a Teacher in the PLC Process?
- Continuous Improvement Through Challenges and Setbacks
- Dealing with Change: Things to Do vs. Ways to Be
- What Is a Professional Learning Community?
- Case Studies of PLCs and RTI—How Have Other Schools Done It?
- Progress Monitoring Your PLC and RTI Models
“This was a great continuation of our work in RTI and PLC. We're very excited to put the RTI model in practice as a school community.”
“Dan does a great job painting an accurate representation of what a PLC looks like and the positive effects it has on student learning.”
“Great presenter. Very engaging, knowledgeable, and practical. Gave good examples and work time, as well as incorporated great videos and illustrations.”
“I loved that our breakout sessions were with our own schools so that we could talk about where we are and next steps. This was GREAT, practical things that we all can implement immediately in our classrooms.”