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Austin Buffum

Austin Buffum, EdD, has more than 45 years of experience in public schools. His many roles include serving as former senior deputy superintendent of the Capistrano Unified School District in California.


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Austin Buffum

Austin Buffum, EdD, has more than 45 years of experience in public schools. His many roles include serving as former senior deputy superintendent of the Capistrano Unified School District in California. Dr. Buffum has presented in over 500 school districts throughout the country and around the world. He delivers trainings and presentations on the RTI at Work™ model. This tiered approach to RTI is centered on Professional Learning Communities at Work™ concepts and strategies to ensure every student receives the time and support necessary to succeed. Dr. Buffum also delivers workshops and presentations that provide the tools educators need to build and sustain PLCs.

Dr. Buffum was selected 2006 Curriculum and Instruction Administrator of the Year by the Association of California School Administrators. He attended the Principals’ Center at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and was greatly inspired by its founder, Roland Barth, an early advocate of the collaborative culture that defines PLCs today. Dr. Buffum later led Capistrano’s K–12 instructional program on an increasingly collaborative path toward operating as a PLC. During this process, 37 of the district’s schools were designated California Distinguished Schools and 11 received National Blue Ribbon recognition.

Dr. Buffum is coauthor of Generations at School.

A graduate of the University of Southern California, Dr. Buffum earned a bachelor of music and received a master of education with honors. He also holds a doctor of education from Nova Southeastern University.

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Product Code: PTR29

PLC at Work®

PLC at Work® experts have proven success in leading the PLC at Work process in a school or district. Work with them to implement a focus on learning, build a collaborative culture, and create a results orientation that leads to sustained, substantive school improvement.

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RTI at Work™

RTI at Work experts focus on learning for all students and will empower you to build your own timely, targeted, and systematic intervention program. Work with them to implement a results-driven program that provides targeted instruction at all tiers of intervention.

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  • The Four Cs of RTI: Rethinking and Simplifying RTI
  • Pyramid Response to Intervention
  • Designing and Implementing Interventions (RTI) Around CCSS
  • Making the Case for PLCs
  • Building a Guiding Coalition: The First Step in the PLC Process
  • Supporting RTI From the Central Office Perspective
  • Learning CPR: Creating Powerful Responses When Kids Don’t Learn
  • Tiers Without Tears: Successful Implementation of RTI by Building Upon PLC Practices
  • The Power of PLCs

“Thank you very much for a deeper understanding and a greater appreciation for helping all kids succeed.”

Kim Cave, principal, Dale Street School, Massachusetts

“This was a highly effective and positive workshop. You presented the RTI framework in a manageable way that will directly and positively impact our students.”

Catherine Sowa, elementary teacher, Greater Amsterdam School District, New York

“Mr. Buffum is an excellent presenter when it comes to RTI. He has the experience, the evidence, and the patience to lead others in the right direction.”

Christy Henry, teacher, Prairie Grove Elementary, Arkansas