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LeAnn Nickelsen

LeAnn Nickelsen, an author and a former teacher, is an expert on brain research strategies, best practices in literacy, and other high-impact tools that close and prevent gaps in high-poverty schools.


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LeAnn Nickelsen

LeAnn Nickelsen, an author and a former teacher, is an expert on brain research strategies, best practices in literacy, and other high-impact tools that close and prevent gaps in high-poverty schools.

She takes schools where they are, and through training, coaching, feedback, and goal-setting, moves them forward faster, doubling the speed of growth and learning. With more than 20 years of experience, LeAnn has taught in classrooms in Kansas, Texas, and Ohio. She is known as “the teacher’s teacher” because of her practical, easy-to-implement classroom strategies based on cognitive theory, best practices, and current research. She is an author/coauthor of more than 13 books and was a former Teacher of the Year. Driven by her passion for maximizing learning for all students, she delivers presentations nationally and internationally.

LeAnn earned a master’s degree in educational administration from the University of North Texas.

Presentations by LeAnn Nickelsen

  • Differentiated Classrooms: Building Success for All
  • The Cha-Cha-Chas: Making the Formative Assessment Process Easy as 1-2-3
  • Assessment Over Easy Please: Preassessment, Formative Assessments, and Summative Assessments
  • Dancin’ With the Differentiated Daily Lesson Plan
  • Data-Driven Classrooms: Teaching Smarter, Not Harder
  • Closing the Gap: Writing to Learn Across the Curriculum
  • The Best Nonfiction Reading and Vocabulary Strategies to Meet the CCSS
  • Bump Up the Questioning
  • Deeper Learning: Seven Powerful Strategies for In-Depth and Longer-Lasting Learning, Grades 3–12
  • Reaching Poverty-Stricken Children With the Most Powerful Strategies
  • DARE to Engage the Brain: Most Engaging Strategies for Promoting Deep Thinking

“Thank you for the wealth of expertise you have shared with our group. I thoroughly enjoy being a part of your workshops. The workshops are highly engaging and relevant. I love your style of presenting. Showing us the process of chunking instruction so that we have time to process the information and allowing opportunities to put these strategies into practice make it more meaningful and realistic.”

Tonya Conrad, teacher, Christina School District, Delaware