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Gwen J. Pauloski

Gwen J. Pauloski, EdD, is a writer and educator specializing in adolescent literacy and pedagogy. She currently teaches in the University of Houston’s educator preparation program.


Gwen J. Pauloski

Gwen J. Pauloski, EdD, is a writer and educator specializing in adolescent literacy and pedagogy. She currently teaches in the University of Houston’s educator preparation program. For 17 years, she taught secondary social studies and English language arts in Seattle Public Schools and the Houston Independent School District (HISD). She served in a variety of teacher leadership roles, including department and grade-level team chair as well as a campus administrator at the middle and high school levels.

Additionally. Dr Pauloski worked in HISD’s professional development department, training and coaching teachers and school administrators. She led the district’s secondary instructional specialist team for three years and developed districtwide training delivered to thousands of teachers.

Dr. Pauloski was selected to represent her district as a Teach Plus Texas Policy Fellow for the 2021–2022 school year. She has presented at annual conferences for the Association for Middle Level Education (AMLE), the Texas Association for Literacy Education (TALE), the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), the Literacy Research Association (LRA), and ASCD. Her dissertation was published in 2020; an article describing her research was published in the TALE Yearbook. She has authored curricula for HISD, McDougal Littell, and Teachers’ Curriculum Institute.

Dr. Pauloski earned her certification in dyslexia intervention in 2021. Her coaching training includes work with Doug Lemov, Jim Knight, John Seidlitz, and the National School Reform Faculty. She has also been trained in AVID, Capturing Kids’ Hearts, Laying the Foundation, CRISS, and History Alive!

Dr. Pauloski graduated with a degree in economics from the University of Texas at Austin, a master’s degree in public policy from Harvard University, teacher certification from the University of Washington, and a doctor of education degree from the University of Houston in 2020.