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Heather Bell-Williams

Heather Bell-Williams is principal of Milltown Elementary School in St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Canada. She has been in education since 1988 and has served as a classroom teacher, resource teacher, vice principal, district coordinator, and elementary principal.


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Heather Bell-Williams

Heather Bell-Williams is principal of Milltown Elementary School in St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Canada. Her focus during 20 years in the principalship has included academic, social, and community interventions to promote community growth and wellness. Heather has been in education since 1988 and has served as a classroom teacher, resource teacher, vice principal, district coordinator, and elementary principal.

Heather has facilitated leadership development modules; various district, provincial, and national professional development; and professional development for not-for-profits. Heather is a member of the New Brunswick Teachers’ Association In-School Administrators Committee and a former member of the New Brunswick Provincial Principals’ Advisory Committee. In 2019, she won the Vince Sunderland Memorial Award for Outstanding Educational Leadership. Heather is a certified life coach and a trained Fierce Conversations facilitator and has completed numerous courses and programs to facilitate the integration of special needs students in the general classroom setting.

Heather received a bachelor’s degree in psychology from York University, two bachelor of education degrees from York University with specialties in primary-junior and reading education, and a master’s degree in educational administration and leadership from the University of New Brunswick.