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Jenni Donohoo

Jenni Donohoo, PhD, is a professional learning facilitator, author, and researcher. She has multiyear partnerships with numerous organizations and government agencies, where she works alongside system and school leaders supporting high-quality professional learning designed to improve outcomes for all students.


Jenni Donohoo

Jenni Donohoo, PhD, is a professional learning facilitator, author, and researcher who has served as an educator for more than 25 years. With experience in elementary, secondary, and postsecondary settings, she has multiyear partnerships with numerous organizations and government agencies—working alongside system and school leaders who support high-quality professional learning designed to improve outcomes for all students. Her areas of focus include collective teacher efficacy, collaborative inquiry, and metacognition.

As a five-times best-selling author, Dr. Donohoo’s books have been translated into several languages. She’s also the director of the Jenni Donohoo Center for Collective Efficacy and has been recognized internationally as an educational thought leader. Her keynote speaking engagements include conferences for WorldEduLead, Raising Student Achievement, Annual Visible Learning, Corwin’s Women in Education, and the LEAP Conference in Australia.

Dr. Donohoo received bachelor’s degrees in art history and sociology from the University of Windsor, and a master’s degree in education from the University of Windsor. Additionally, she earned a PhD in education from the joint program at the University of Windsor, Brock University, and Lakehead University, all in Ontario, Canada.