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Jonathan Weinstein

Jonathan Weinstein, PhD, is a clinical psychologist with the Northport VA Medical Center in New York. He has served in various mental health and education roles and has adapted elements of contextual behavioral science to help teachers empower students.


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Jonathan Weinstein

Jonathan Weinstein, PhD, is currently a clinical psychologist with the Northport VA Medical Center in Northport, New York. In his 11 years with the US Department of Veterans Affairs, he has served in a number of roles, with specialties including general mental health, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, suicide prevention, and intern and staff training. Before working for Veterans Affairs, Jonathan served in a variety of mental health and education roles in New York, Maryland, and Mississippi stretching back to 2000.

Thanks to his own experiences as a student with special needs, Jonathan has had an enduring interest in the science of empowerment. As an early contributor to the development of relational frame theory and acceptance and commitment therapy at the University of Mississippi Center for Contextual Psychology, Jonathan studied behavior analysis and its applications for behavior therapy, social categorization, and education. More recently, Jonathan and his coauthor, Lauren Porosoff, have adapted elements of contextual behavioral science to help teachers empower their students. He has also applied this work to empower veterans who are at high risk for suicide.

In addition to coauthoring EMPOWER Your Students: Tools to Inspire a Meaningful School Experience and Two-for-One Teaching: Connecting Instruction to Student Values, Jonathan has had work published in Behavior and Social Issues, the Psychological Record, Salud y Drogas, and the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science. He has presented on these works and related topics at national and international conferences, including those of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science, the Association for Behavior Analysis International, the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Learning and the Brain, and the Progressive Education Network.

Jonathan received a bachelor’s degree in history from Vassar College, a master’s degree in public administration from New York University, and a doctoral degree in clinical psychology from the University of Mississippi.

Presentations by Jonathan Weinstein

  • Empower Tools: Help Students Build More Meaningful Academic and Social Experiences at School
  • Empowering Classrooms: Integrate Social Emotional Learning into Academics
  • Empower Students After Trauma
  • Empowering Partnerships with Parents
  • Empowering Professional Development: Affirm and Make Use of In-House Expertise