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Kit Norris

Kit Norris is an award-winning educator, consultant, and author who currently specializes in supporting teacher teams as they implement best practices in mathematics. As a former mathematics educator, administrator, and supervisor, she understands that teacher collaboration serves as a vehicle for improved student achievement.


Kit Norris

Kit Norris is an award-winning educator, consultant, and author who currently specializes in supporting teacher teams as they implement best practices in mathematics. As a former mathematics educator, administrator, and supervisor, she understands that teacher collaboration serves as a vehicle for improved student achievement.

Kit received the 1994 Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics and Science and was the recipient of Klingenstein Fellowship from Teachers College at Columbia University. Kit was inducted into the Mathematics Educators Hall of Fame in Massachusetts in 2015.

Currently, Kit works with districts around the country to implement the Common Core Standards or state standards. By highlighting the mathematical practices, focusing on common assessments and the resulting data, Kit guides teacher teams to use formative strategies to improve student learning.

Kit is a frequent speaker at national, regional, and local conferences and has served on the board of directors of the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics. She also participates actively in the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. She has coauthored several works, including NCSM’s Great Tasks resources.

Kit earned a BA from Skidmore College and an MA from Columbia University.

Presentations by Kit Norris

  • Raise the Demand; Deepen the Learning
  • A Gift from the Common Core: Understanding Place Value
  • What Our Textbooks Don't Tell Us About Fractions!
  • National Conversations Focused on Improving Student Achievement
  • Stomping on the Gap
  • Implement the Mathematical Practices Using Great Tasks
  • Understanding Fractions: One of the Gifts from the Common Core
  • Number Lines: Foundational Problem-Solving Tool
  • Collaborative Groups: Why, When, and How!
  • Mathematics Leadership at Work: Moving CCSS from Vision to Action
  • Assessing Our Assessments
  • The Mathematical Practices Are Standards Too!

“She is almost flawless.”

Randall Smith, teacher, Clark County Schools, Nevada