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Michele M. Rivers Murphy

Dr. Rivers Murphy, EdD, is a seasoned presenter and educational leader. A change agent for over two decades, she has helped transform some of the highest-needs neighborhoods and districts by improving student active engagement, teacher self-care, school culture, and academic success.


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Michele M. Rivers Murphy

Dr. Rivers Murphy, EdD, is a seasoned presenter and educational leader. A change agent for over two decades, she has helped transform some of the highest-needs neighborhoods and districts by improving student active engagement, teacher self-care, school culture, and academic success.

Dr. Rivers Murphy’s organizational research specifically addresses the challenges associated with trauma and stress that compromise learning, teaching, and leading. Through building compassionate, heart-centered school environments, educators learn to find balance between social-emotional health, well-being, and academic achievement. A focus on the importance of self-care practices helps educators to be at their best so they can be fully present, available, and supportive to students, colleagues, and the school community.

Dr. Rivers Murphy’s strength-based, holistic approach to community education cultivates strong, sustaining, positive relationships and compassionate interactions, helping to create a sense of student trust and safety within the school community. It involves understanding how our brains work (neuroscience), the relationship between our brains and our emotions (neurobiology), and how to calm our brains and bodies through mindfulness practices, assuring that students, staff, school leaders, parents, and outside collaterals are all aligned (organizational change) regarding social-emotional and academic learning (SEAL), setting the right conditions for optimal learning (RCOL).

Dr. Rivers Murphy has served as an educational leader at all grade levels. As an administrator, she created an innovative disciplinary approach as an alternative to in-school and out-of-school suspension, completely eliminating in-school suspension and decreasing out-of-school suspension by 75 percent. In addition, she expanded high-needs programming to a mainstream setting, with a focus on real-life practice, service, and connection to community. She also created a 21st century school-based health community model, which she presented to the Massachusetts secretary of education. Dr. Rivers Murphy obtained a doctoral degree in educational leadership (K–12) from Northeastern University. She also holds multiple certifications in both regular and special education, including school principal and superintendency certificates at all levels.

Presentations by Michele M. Rivers Murphy

  • Sensibility Social-Emotional and Academic Learning (SE(A)L): Setting the Right Conditions for Optimal Learning (RCOL)
  • Mindfulness as Self-Care: Health, Happiness, Healing & Hope during Covid and Beyond, Taking Time to Take Care
  • Balance Under Fire: Mindful Leadership at Its Best
  • Sensibility of Self-Care: Making Time to Be at Your Best
  • Magic of Mindfulness & SE(A)L Practices
  • Heart of the Matter: Cultivating Mindful, Compassionate School Culture
  • Mindfulness and Heart-Centered Education to Combat Trauma, Stress & Suffering
  • Understanding the Brain and How it Impedes Learning, Teaching & Leading
  • Transforming School Culture through Mindful Leadership and Practice
  • 21st Century Community Education Innovative Model: A High-Performing Solution for High-Needs Neighborhoods and Districts