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Rebecca DuFour

Rebecca DuFour brought over thirty-six years of professional experience to her work as an educational speaker and presenter, having served as a teacher, school administrator, and central office coordinator. She coauthored twelve books and numerous articles on the topic of Professional Learning Communities at Work™.


Rebecca DuFour

Rebecca (Becky) DuFour, MEd, served as a teacher, school administrator, and central office coordinator. As a former elementary principal, she helped her school earn state and national recognition as a model Professional Learning Community at WorkTM and as a National Blue Ribbon School. She coauthored twelve books, numerous articles, and several video resources on the topic of PLCs. A speaker and presenter for more than sixteen years, Becky was the recipient of the Evelyn P. Bickham Award, Outstanding Undergraduate Alumni Award of Lynchburg College.

To learn more about Becky’s work, visit AllThingsPLC.info.

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Product Code: PTR410