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Sheila A. Eller

Sheila A. Eller, EdD, is a middle school principal for Mounds View Public Schools in Minnesota. She is a former principal, university professor, special education teacher, Title I math teacher, and teacher.


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Sheila A. Eller

Sheila A. Eller, EdD, is a middle school principal for Mounds View Public Schools in Minnesota. She has served as a principal in Fairfax County (Virginia) Public Schools and other schools in Minnesota. Dr. Eller is a former principal (Illinois), university professor, special education teacher, Title I math teacher, and self-contained classroom teacher for grades 1–4.

In Fairfax County, Dr. Eller helped transform a school that was not making adequate yearly progress, had low SES, and a high minority population through the implementation of professional learning communities, the use of data, and the refinement of teaching and learning strategies.

Dr. Eller shares her expertise at national conferences and in school districts working in the areas of school turnaround, effective instruction, teacher evaluation, building leadership teams, teacher leadership, and a variety of other topics. As a professor at National Louis University, she worked on the development team for a classroom mathematics series, and her teaching skills were featured on a video that accompanied the series. Dr. Eller coauthored Energizing Staff Meetings, Working With and Evaluating Difficult School Employees, and Creative Strategies to Improve School Climate.

She has been a member of the Minnesota ASCD Executive Board and a regional president of the Minnesota Association of Elementary School Principals.

Dr. Eller received a doctorate in educational leadership and administration from St. Cloud State University, a master’s degree from Creighton University, and a bachelor’s degree from Iowa State University.


Presentations by Sheila A. Eller

  • Energizing Staff Meetings
  • Working With Angry and Difficult People
  • Working With Deficient and Marginal Teachers
  • Conducting Difficult Conversations
  • Masterful Facilitation of Difficult Groups