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Tom Hierck

Tom Hierck has been an educator since 1983, and his career has spanned all grade levels and many roles in public education. He has presented to schools and districts across North America with a message of celebration for educators seeking to make a difference in the lives of students.


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Tom Hierck talks about his approach to identifying and responding to classroom management challenges.

Tom Hierck

Tom Hierck has been an educator since 1983, and his career has spanned all grade levels and many roles in public education. His experiences as a teacher, an administrator, a district leader, a department of education project leader, and an executive director have provided a unique context for his education philosophy.

Tom is a compelling presenter, infusing his message of hope with strategies culled from the real world. He understands that educators face unprecedented challenges and knows which strategies will best serve learning communities. Tom has presented to schools and districts across North America with a message of celebration for educators seeking to make a difference in the lives of students. His dynamic presentations explore the importance of positive learning environments and the role of assessment to improve student learning. His belief that “every student is a success story waiting to be told” has led him to work with teachers and administrators to create positive school cultures and build effective relationships that facilitate learning for all students.

Tom is the author or coauthor of 25 books. His work has resulted in his being recognized as one of the world's Top 30 Education Professionals by the Global Gurus organization for four consecutive years.

Maple Leaf Canadian presenter

Transforming School Culture

Transforming School Culture experts will help you examine the assumptions, beliefs, expectations, and habits that comprise your school’s culture, to ensure a productive and functional environment. Work with our experts to develop the ability to properly respond to challenges and adversity.

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Presentations by Tom Hierck

  • Pyramid of Behavior Intervention: Seven Keys to a Positive Learning Environment
  • Building Common Expectations: The Behavior Matrix
  • Creating a Behavior PLC
  • Common Formative Assessment: Informing and Guiding Our Work
  • Building Common Assessments
  • Using Assessment to Inform and Guide Our Practice
  • Balanced Assessment
  • Assessment of/for/as/is Learning
  • Results, Not Intentions
  • Student Work Speaks
  • Heart of Education: All Students Learning and Growing
  • Where Passion Meets Purpose: Moving From Believe to Achieve
  • Trauma-Sensitive Instruction: Moving from Trauma Aware to a Healing Organization
  • Trauma-Sensitive Leadership: Leading Your School to Becoming Trauma Informed
  • Self-Care is Healthcare
  • The Road to Success with MTSS: A Ten-Step Process
  • You're a Teacher Now! Beginning Your Journey to Success
  • Positive Behaviors Start with Positive Mindsets
  • Creating Emotionally Safe Schools

“In my new role as principal, Tom's message was exactly what I needed to hear. It was really challenging and fun. I believe all educators should hear Tom's heartfelt perspective on kids and schools. The world would be a better place if they did.”

Leah Kingston, principal, Highwood High School, Alberta, Canada

“Tom was awesome. He worked so well with us and provided concise, well-informed information about all aspects of PLCs and use of CFAs.”

Scott Oliver, teacher, West High School, California

“We love Tom's integration of theory and practice and his involvement of real-life stories.”

Stacey Meyer, assistant superintendent, Foothills School Division, Alberta, Canada

“The presentation was well organized, goals were clearly defined, content was relevant, and the personal anecdotes created a comfortable learning climate.”

Lisa Moree, EL specialist, Harris Elementary, Arizona

“Extremely good insight in the goal of schools and what outcomes we seek to get out of our students. I received a lot of insight into how to collaborate with our teachers and advocate for our students in a more positive way”

Michelle Crane, school counselor

“Tom was the best experience I have ever had! So knowledgeable, informative, helpful, SMART. Love, love, loved the several sessions I attended.”

Elissa Patterson, fifth-grade teacher

“Toms’ presentations were professional and well done. He is a dying breed. ”

Roger Caresia, math teacher

“Listening to him entertained, informed, and touched my heart. He is a wealth of knowledge and so down to earth. I appreciated his personal touch to the keynote and felt his passion for what he has accomplished in his life. What an amazing human being!”

Melissa Simmons, second-grade teacher

“The humor and connection during a difficult topic to share. I felt that I gleaned some new approaches to sharing trauma awareness strategies with staff.”

Kaydie Merrill, school counselor

“While the subject of working with students who experience trauma is something that I am familiar with, this workshop was very encouraging because it helped to remind me that what I do makes a difference.”

Paul A Lehman, school counselor