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Wendy Custable

Dr. Wendy Custable is the assistant superintendent of leadership and organizational development at the award-winning Adlai E. Stevenson High School in Lincolnshire, Illinois. With 25 years in education, she is now a leader in secondary education.


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Wendy Custable

Dr. Wendy Custable is the assistant superintendent of leadership and organizational development at the award-winning Adlai E. Stevenson High School in Lincolnshire, Illinois. With a 25-year career in education, she began as a technology education teacher and has since become a leader in secondary education. Dr. Custable specializes in professional learning, curriculum and instruction improvement, formative assessment, evidence-based grading, social-emotional learning, and career and technical education. She has co-authored two books: Collaboration for Career & Technical Education: Teamwork Beyond the Core Content Areas in a PLC at Work (2020) and Proficiency-Based Grading in the Content Areas: Insights and Key Questions for Secondary Schools (2019).

Dr. Custable holds a bachelor’s degree in industrial technology education from Illinois State University, a master’s degree in educational leadership from Northeastern Illinois University, a doctorate in educational leadership from Loyola University Chicago, and a certificate in strategic leadership in education from the Penn Graduate School of Education.

Priority Schools in a PLC at Work®

Hand-selected and trained by PLC at Work champions our Priority Schools in a PLC at Work experts have proven success in leading the PLC at Work process and have specific experience with the unique challenges that face schools labeled as low performing. Work with them to identify and prioritize critical areas of growth to implement changes in a timely manner with a focus on student achievement.

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PLC at Work®

PLC at Work® experts have proven success in leading the PLC at Work process in a school or district. Work with them to implement a focus on learning, build a collaborative culture, and create a results orientation that leads to sustained, substantive school improvement.

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Presentations by Wendy Custable

  • Establishing a Culture of Inquiry
  • Having Data-Driven Dialogue
  • My Team Is Different—A New Lens for Looking at Collaboration: Blended Teams
  • A Look at How Professional Learning Communities Can Foster Strong Career and Technical Education Programs
  • Moving Teams Beyond “PLC Lite”

"Wendy was a perfect fit for our needs! I've received much positive feedback. They found Wendy knowledgeable and engaging. Their only complaint is they wish for another day with her."

Jen Vance, assistant superintendent, Central DeWitt Community School District, Iowa