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Honoring Each Learner

How to Develop Individualized Learning Plans for All Students

By: Keely Keller

Create a truly equitable classroom by understanding and addressing individual student needs. Learn to identify each student’s unique strengths and challenges. Gain practical strategies and tools to develop personalized learning plans, track progress, and adapt your approach to help every student thrive.

Availability: This product will ship in April
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Format: Paperback

Honoring Each Learner

Author Keely Keller presents a five-step process inspired by high-impact special education practices to empower teachers to individualize learning for every student. By assessing strengths, addressing challenges, and creating unique learning plans, educators can take actionable steps to personalize instruction, foster equity, and ensure that all students thrive in inclusive classrooms tailored to their unique needs.

K–12 teachers can use this book to:

  • Develop deeper awareness of students’ unique learning strengths and challenges
  • Design and implement learning plans that address individual students’ goals and needs
  • Empower students with learning strategies that capitalize on their unique gifts
  • Encourage and enhance students’ progress, adapting plans to meet new targets of growth
  • Foster an equitable learning environment where all students are actively supported

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Differentiated InstructionInstructionTeacher Efficacy

Additional Information

Product Code: BKG265

ISBN: 9798893740097

Published By: Solution Tree