Event Book Bundles
- Beyond Conversations About Race
A Guide for Discussions With Students, Teachers, and Communities
Written by a collective of brilliant authors, this essential work provokes respectful dialogue about race that catalyzes school-changing action. Learn how to talk about race in the classroom and discover actionable steps you can take toward promoting a safe, equitable environment for marginalized students and underserved communities.
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- You Can Learn!
Building Student Ownership, Motivation, and Efficacy With the PLC at Work® Process
Great learning starts when students believe in their academic abilities. In You Can Learn!, authors Tim Brown and William M. Ferriter introduce intentional and purposeful steps collaborative teams can take to increase the self-efficacy of every learner. By incorporating the book's research-backed practices, professional learning communities will cultivate a culture where students at every grade level see themselves as competent learners fully capable of succeeding in school and beyond.
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- Assessing Unstoppable Learning
This title focuses on the element of assessing in the Unstoppable Learning model and offers step-by-step actions for reworking your assessment systems.
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- Instructional Agility
Responding to Assessment With Real-Time Decisions
Discover how to become instructionally agile—moving seamlessly among instruction, formative assessment, and feedback—to enhance student engagement, proficiency, and ownership of learning.
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- Standards-Based Learning in Action
Moving From Theory to Practice
Learn how to overcome the knowing-doing gap in standards-based learning systems, and move toward unpacking the standards and learning targets your students need.
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- Mathematics Homework and Grading in a PLC at Work™
Use the PLC process to evaluate homework and practices in mathematics. Learn how collaboratively assigning and grading math homework increases student engagement and math skills.
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- Mathematics Coaching and Collaboration in a PLC at Work™
Build and support math teacher teams in your PLC. This leadership guide will help you establish collaborative teaching strategies to improve math curriculum.
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- Stronger Together
Answering the Questions of Collaborative Leadership
Foster leadership development and empower teams by understanding your own leadership style, engendering trust, supporting others, and implementing transparent communication. Improve student achievement and develop collaborative teams using various strategies.
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- Personalized Learning in a PLC at Work™
Student Agency Through the Four Critical Questions
Become a highly effective, learning-progressive school that utilizes PLC processes and well-implemented RTI structures to promote student agency. Increase authentic learning, engaging students in personalized learning experiences.
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- Owning It
Proven Strategies to Ace and Embrace Teaching
With its conversational style, Owning It prepares teachers both new and experienced to take command of their many roles in their classrooms, schools, and communities. Learn to embrace the struggles teachers face daily and implement effective teaching strategies to ensure all students succeed and close the achievement gap for youth at risk.
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