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Mathematics Teaching Reimagined

Seven Competencies to Foster Robust Student Learning and Engagement

By: Nathan D. Lang-Raad

Transform mathematics instruction with Nathan D. Lang-Raad’s comprehensive mathematical competencies framework. Discover practical strategies to integrate seven essential competencies that develop true mathematical proficiency and enhance student engagement in K–12 classrooms.

Availability: This product will ship in April
Publication date:
Format: Paperback

Use the CMC framework for deeper mathematical thinking

Transform mathematics instruction with the comprehensive mathematical competencies (CMC) framework—a research-based model that integrates seven essential competencies: conceptual and procedural integration, problem solving, logical reasoning, communication, tool use, pattern recognition, and student engagement. Through practical classroom strategies and real-world examples, create learning environments where students build deep mathematical proficiency through meaningful, connected experiences.

K–12 teachers can use this book to:

  • Implement the seven mathematical competencies through detailed curriculum, planning, instruction, and assessment strategies
  • Move beyond isolated skill practice to develop integrated mathematical understanding and proficiency
  • Create classroom environments that foster productive engagement and mathematical confidence
  • Apply research-based approaches that connect conceptual understanding with procedural fluency
  • Design meaningful learning experiences that develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities

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InstructionMathematicsStudent Engagement

Additional Information

Product Code: BKG264

ISBN: 9798893740073

Published By: Solution Tree