Celebrating in a PLC at Work®
A Leader’s Guide to Building Collective Efficacy and High-Performing Collaborative Teams
When leaders foster a culture of frequent, specific recognition in their school system, it allows collaborative teams to function at high levels. In this book, the authors demonstrate how celebrating the “right work” of professional learning communities stimulates the culture shift necessary for successful PLC implementation. Using intentional celebrations, K–12 leaders can improve collaborative team performance, resulting in higher student achievement.
Using purposeful celebration in a PLC at Work, K–12 leaders can improve teacher performance and student learning in their own schools.
When leaders foster a culture of frequent, specific recognition in their school system, it allows collaborative teams to function at high levels. In this book, the authors demonstrate how celebrating the “right work” of professional learning communities stimulates the culture shift necessary for successful PLC implementation. Using intentional celebrations, K–12 leaders can improve collaborative team performance, resulting in higher student achievement.
This book will help K–12 leaders and administrators:
- Understand why celebration is critical to developing a high-functioning PLC
- Create opportunities to celebrate achievements of the right work in all areas of the PLC process
- Witness how local and system leaders have effectively implemented celebration practices in their PLCs
- Customize the book’s templates and tools based on what will work best for a school or system
- Utilize reflective questions and journal prompts to enhance the reading experience and application
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Additional Information
Product Code: BKG126
ISBN: 9781958590232
“An excellent resource for school leaders. As I read, I found myself circling, underlining, starring, and highlighting passages and sections. Even as an experienced leader of a PLC, I found a lot of new and valuable information. The PLC process is a journey, and with the right leadership and celebrations, teams can perform at high levels.”
“This book is filled with strategies and tools that will benefit any school, whether just starting out with a PLC or already implementing the process. It breaks down each PLC element to provide exceptional strategies and tools for reflection and celebration for each step along the way to help leaders grow and develop their PLC.”