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Raising Up Readers

Twenty-Five Scaffolding Strategies to Help Students Access Challenging Text

By: Jennifer Throndsen

This practical guide offers K–5 teachers, coaches, and leaders 25 strategies to boost student literacy achievement. Organized into before-reading, during-reading, and after-reading text scaffolding strategies, these methods advocate for engaging all students in challenging texts. Learn how to adapt these strategies for whole-class, small-group, and partner instruction.

Availability: This product will ship in June
Publication date:
Format: Paperback

Twenty-five scaffolding strategies for literacy achievement

In this practical guide, educators learn 25 ready-to-use, research-based teaching strategies aligned to the science of reading to scaffold learning from grade-level texts for a range of readers to accelerate literacy achievement. These strategies can be used in whole- or small-group instruction before, during, and after reading to increase each student’s opportunity to grow.

Grades K–5 teachers, instructional coaches, and reading specialists can use this book to:

  • Plan effective scaffolds for grade-level texts that challenge students and encourage growth
  • Employ a versatile array of strategies to promote active engagement with literacy
  • Provide engaging, research-based strategies that increase student learning and comprehension
  • Readily adapt strategies to meet both individual and classwide challenges and needs
  • Ensure all students achieve the established literacy standards for their grade level

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Additional Information

Product Code: BKG279

ISBN: 9798893740370

Published By: Solution Tree