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Items 1-10 of 25

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  1. Leading PLCs at Work® Districtwide

    District leaders engage with this curated collection of professional development resources to build and sustain professional learning communities. With 21 essential tools written by expert educators, this guide empowers instructional leadership, transforming school culture, driving academic achievement, and supporting school-improvement efforts districtwide.

    15% off regular retail price when you buy these resources as a toolkit.
    You save over $126!



  2. The PLC Toolkit

    Powerful Tools for Improving Your School

    Amplify your impact with the PLC Toolkit, which contains all the tools educators need to transform learning and achieve meaningful outcomes. Curated by world-renowned PLC experts, this package includes over 30 self-guided educational leadership books and a subscription to AllThingsPLC Magazine.
    15% off regular retail price when you buy these resources as a toolkit.
    You save over $186!



  3. Through New Eyes, Second Edition

    Examining the Culture of Your School

    Discover what a collaborative culture of student-centered learning looks like through the eyes of a struggling learner. Recorded at the award-winning Adlai E. Stevenson High School in Lincolnshire, Illinois, this video workshop is a great way to build unity around the why behind PLC at Work®: learning for all.


    Streaming Video

  4. HEART!

    Fully Forming Your Professional Life as a Teacher and Leader

    Empower your collaborative team to uncover their professional impact and support their passion for teaching with this inspiring book and video set. Use the award-winning book HEART! by Timothy Kanold and facilitator’s guide to implement the video in book study groups.


    Streaming Video

  5. Transforming School Culture [DVD/CD/Facilitator's Guide/Book]

    Address staff resistance and create a positive school culture with this book and video set, which includes Transforming School Culture by Anthony Muhammad. Follow one district’s staff and educational leadership as they explore a school improvement plan that created a positive school culture and became an award-winning district.


    Physical DVD

  6. Transforming School Culture [Streaming Video]

    Address staff resistance and create a positive school culture with this book and video set, which includes Transforming School Culture by Anthony Muhammad. Follow one district’s staff and educational leadership as they explore a school improvement plan that created a positive school culture and became an award-winning district.


    Streaming Video

  7. In Praise of American Educators

    In this dynamic keynote video, Richard DuFour confronts criticisms American education has faced in the 21st century. A companion to Dr. DuFour’s In Praise of American Educators, this video about education in America details what teachers and educators have achieved and how they can continue improving.


    Streaming Video

  8. The New Art and Science of Teaching [DVD/CD/Facilitator's Guide/Book]

    Drive student success with 20 research-based instructional strategies that focus on student learning outcomes. This DVD companion to the book The New Art and Science of Teaching offers video demonstrations of Dr. Marzano’s competency-based teaching methods for systematic change.


    Physical DVD

  9. The New Art and Science of Teaching [Streaming Video]

    Drive student success with 20 research-based instructional strategies that focus on student learning outcomes. This companion to the book The New Art and Science of Teaching offers video demonstrations of Dr. Marzano’s competency-based teaching methods for systematic change.


    Streaming Video

  10. Passion and Persistence

    How to Develop a Professional Learning Community at Work™

    This seven-minute motivational video for teachers, administrators, and staff from Richard DuFour will help you start and sustain the PLC process. Use the professional learning community video and bonus footage to inspire a collaborative team environment in your school or district.


    Streaming Video