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Sarah Gord

Sarah Gord is a reading specialist and literacy coach at Kildeer Countryside School District 96 in suburban Chicago. Her work focuses on the implementation of standards-aligned teaching and assessment practices.


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Sarah Gord

Sarah Gord is a reading specialist and literacy coach at Kildeer Countryside School District 96 in Chicago’s northwest suburbs. As an instructional leader, her work focuses on curriculum design and the implementation of standards-aligned teaching and assessment practices. With more than fifteen years of experience in education, ranging from preK to eighth grade, she is passionate about and committed to helping students of all ages discover the power behind reading, writing, and communicating at high levels.

Through her work as a district leader, Sarah has led staff members through the process of unwrapping and prioritizing standards, developing learning progressions, constructing rubrics, and designing both formative and summative assessments. She also supports teachers through ongoing, job-embedded professional learning focused on enhancing student achievement in the area of literacy.

During Sarah’s service to Kildeer Countryside District 96, the district has earned the distinction of Model PLC School, as recognized on AllThingsPLC. Additionally, two of the schools she worked with were awarded Blue Ribbon Awards of Excellence during her time as a teacher and coach.

Sarah holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Northern Illinois University and a master’s degree in reading from Concordia University Chicago. She also holds a master’s in literacy education with an endorsement to support English learners.