Sean Nank
Sean Nank, PhD, is a presidential awardee, professor, presenter, and educator. He teaches at California State University San Marcos and the American College of Education.
Sean Nank
Sean Nank, PhD, was a distinguished teacher in residence and is an adjunct professor at California State University San Marcos and a full professor at the American College of Education. He has worked with the United States Department of Education, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, National Science Foundation, California Department of Education, California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, San Diego County Office of Education, and Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. Dr. Nank has been a curriculum and professional development writer for multiple corporations, including Amplify, LearnZillion, and Imagine Learning, and continues to privately advise.
Dr. Nank earned the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST). He served on the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM) board as the editor of their Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership (JMEL) and is currently an elected board member as the regional director. He was also appointed as the NCTM MARC representative as well as the USA mathematics assessment expert at the International Congress on Mathematical Education in Korea. He completed two terms as President of the Greater San Diego Mathematics Council.
He has published three books and has presented over 100 times. Dr. Nank’s current research includes creating equitable space for all student voices while integrating students’ passions into K–12 classrooms via empathetic storytelling, technology, curricula, adaptive pedagogies, and shifting strategies for math content and methods courses at the university level.
Mathematics at Work™
Mathematics at Work™ experts are practitioners with deep expertise in research-affirmed mathematics instruction and assessment processes that ensure improved student learning. Work with them to develop a collaborative teacher culture focused on engaging instruction and formative feedback assessment practices.
Presentations by Sean Nank
- Innovative Elements of Leadership: Three Little Known Traits That Can Make or Break Your Endeavors
- Fostering Equitable Interactions and Belonging with the 5 Practices: Supporting Teachers in Removing Barriers to Meaningful Student Discourse
- Fostering Student Agency, Belonging, and Engagement through Math Action Technology
- Standards-Based Grading (SBG): Seven Years of Lessons
- You’re Muted: The True Importance of Intersecting Professional Development, Relationships, and Teacher Voice
- Mathematics Saved My Life
- From the Whiteboard to the White House: Math Lessons of Award-Winning Teachers
- You Have to Choose: Uncovering Implicit Bias with Proactive Advocacy via Reflective Vignettes
- Hidden Structures of Mathematics: Pineapples, Perseverance, and Purpose
- Toothpaste and Student Interactions!?! Fostering Equity via Routines, Structures, and Relationships
- Unlocking the Beauty of Mathematics through Students’ Passions
- Seven Steps for Adapting Technology in a 1:1 Environment