Sheline Miller
Sheline Miller is a high school vice principal and was the former learning coach for the Washington County School District in Utah, where she successfully worked with teachers and teams to help establish professional learning community practices.
Sheline Miller
Sheline Miller is a high school vice principal and was the former learning coach for the Washington County School District in Utah, where she successfully worked with teachers and teams to help establish the practices that led to Fossil Ridge Intermediate School and Washington Fields Intermediate School being recognized as Model Professional Learning Communities (PLC) at Work® campuses. Sheline has served as a lead learning coach in her large district to help bring clarity and consistency to teams from school to school. She is also the lead instructor for a leadership certification titled Leading in a PLC.
Sheline frequently hosts learning walks of her school for visiting schools and districts, showcasing the work of a true PLC. She was honored to address the Utah State Board of Education, sharing the impact PLCs have on student learning and success, and the Washington County School Board, showcasing increased teacher efficacy and its relation to embedded best practices focused on the four critical questions of a PLC.
Sheline earned a bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University and a master’s degree with an emphasis in school leadership from Southern Utah University.