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National Awards and Scholarships
In the spirit of increasing learning for all, we are proud to give back to the educators who work so diligently in classrooms across the world.
The DuFour Award
The DuFour Award, established in 2015 in recognition of Dr. Richard DuFour, an architect and champion of the PLC at Work® process, is designed to help educators share in the bold commitment to ensure all students learn at high levels. This annual award champions schools that have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to the principles of excellence in education and the professional learning community process.
To learn more about previous winners and the application process, visit
The Rebecca Burnette DuFour Scholarship
The Rebecca Burnette DuFour Scholarship honors Rebecca Burnette DuFour and her legacy of leadership, service and education. The award recognizes women educators demonstrating exceptional leadership in their school communities. Ten scholarship recipients are selected to attend the Women in Education: Leading Perspectives Institute, with hotel accommodations for three nights and a $500 travel stipend.
Lori Griffin, principal, Ballman Elementary School (Fort Smith, AR), was one of the scholarship winners in 2019, the first year the scholarship was awarded.
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