PLC at Work® in Arkansas
Our commitment to educators
Since launching the partnership with the Arkansas Department of Education in August 2017, Solution Tree has been pleased to provide expert professional development services to 29 schools and four districts.
As part of this project, schools receive up to 50 days of training, coaching, and support to build and sustain a strong culture of collaboration that will enhance student learning. Schools were selected through a rigorous application and evaluation process by a panel of education professionals knowledgeable about the PLC at Work® process.

In their first year, selected schools are matched with a certified PLC at Work associate from Solution Tree and receive intensive job-embedded training, observation, and coaching. The schools create action plans that focus on increasing student achievement through aligned curriculum, formative assessments, and proven instructional strategies.
During the second year, schools deepen their understanding and focus on implementing multi-tiered systems of support, followed by strengthening their systems and sustaining the process in year three.
Watch this video to get a perspective on the PLC at Work process directly from educators engaged in the work.