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Suzette Lovely

Suzette Lovely, EdD, an educational consultant, worked in K–12 education for 37 years, serving as a teacher, principal, assistant/deputy superintendent, and most recently, superintendent at the Carlsbad Unified School District, before retiring in 2016.


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Suzette Lovely

Suzette Lovely, EdD, worked in K–12 education for 37 years, serving as a teacher, principal, assistant/deputy superintendent, and most recently, superintendent at the Carlsbad Unified School District in Southern California, before retiring in 2016.

Since retiring, Dr. Lovely has helped districts refresh their strategic plans and reimagine the school experience to develop future-ready learners. Dr. Lovely is a founding partner in the Women in Educational Leadership (WEL) institute, which supports women throughout California’s Orange, Riverside, and San Diego counties on their journey to achieve top leadership positions.

Dr. Lovely is currently an executive search consultant for Hazard, Young, and Attea; a senior advisor for the Research + Education Design Institute (REDi); and an education support specialist for the Atkinson-Andelson law firm.

Dr. Lovely has also authored three books and numerous journal articles on leadership development and workplace engagement. She has been a featured speaker at numerous local, state, and national conferences and has been recognized for her contributions to the field by Senator Patricia Bates, the California State PTA, the Hi-Noon Rotary, the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, the Master Teacher Publication, and the San Diego County Art Education Association.

Dr. Lovely earned her bachelor’s degree in social ecology, as well as her teaching credential in elementary education, from the University of California, Irvine. She earned her master’s degree in educational administration from National University and her doctorate of education from California State University, Fullerton.

Presentations by Suzette Lovely

  • Inside the Minds of School Leaders
  • Room at the Top: Women, Work & Leadership
  • Women in Leadership Day
  • Soar with Your Strengths
  • Engaging a New Generation of College Students
  • Examining Teacher Mindframes from a Generational Perspective
  • Telling Your Budget Story with Generational Preferences in Mind
  • Generations at School
  • Building a Generationally Friendly Workplace
  • Generational Transitions
  • Building a Generationally Friendly Learning Community
  • Negotiating the Contract
  • Five Keys to Aligning Professional Development
  • Setting Leadership Priorities
  • Finding, Coaching & Mentoring School Leaders
  • Making the Leap to Shared Leadership
  • Developing an Administrative Career Ladder That Works
  • Growing Your Own Administrative Team