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Teresa Cariglia-Bull

Teresa Cariglia-Bull is a former vice principal for York Region District school board, having served as an elementary school teacher and a psychometrist at both the York Region Separate School Board and with the Learning Disabilities Research Program.


Teresa Cariglia-Bull

Teresa Cariglia-Bull is a former vice principal for York Region District school board, and having served as an elementary school teacher and a psychometrist at both the York Region Separate School Board and with the Learning Disabilities Research Program.

Teresa Cariglia-Bull began her investigation of cognitive and instructional strategies as a graduate student at the University of Western Ontario. She coauthored a number of academic publications during this time.

While working at the Learning Disabilities Research Program at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario, Teresa was struck by the need to better understand how to accelerate learning in students with learning disabilities in a regular school setting. Teresa’s passion for cultivating optimal learning environments was evident as a homeroom teacher, performance plus teacher, special education resource teacher, reading recovery teacher, autism spectrum disorder classroom teacher, and literacy lead. In 2013, she was recognized as the York Region District School Board Elementary Teacher of the Year. In 2016, she continued her instructional leadership as a vice principal. She has facilitated many presentations and workshops at the school, area, and board level. Teresa earned a bachelor’s degree in education at the University of Toronto and her master’s degree from Western University in London, Ontario.