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Change is Hard, Personal and Emotional (AASA Partnership Webinar)

Using Implementation Science Makes it Easier!

By: Jenice Pizzuto

Join implementation science expert and author of Implement with IMPACT, Jenice Pizzuto, to learn about the difference between implementation and implementation science— and why, as leaders, you should know and care about the difference as you fund and lead change efforts. Participants will receive tools for immediate use in their districts.

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Change is Hard, Personal and Emotional (AASA Partnership Webinar)

For decades, we have known what to do in education. Yet, we face an implementation gap that prevents our most effective strategies and resources from reaching students and being utilized in a way that leads to lasting education enhancements. The madness of the adopt-and-abandon cycle persists, and it is costly. Not only does it exhaust our human and capital resources, but the most compelling issue is that it keeps evidence-based practices from reaching students. Join implementation science expert and author of Implement with IMPACT, Jenice Pizzuto, to learn about the difference between implementation and implementation science— and why, as leaders, you should know and care about the difference as you fund and lead change efforts. Jenice will provide authentic examples from recent successful change efforts, including implementation and outcome data. Participants will receive tools for immediate use in their districts.

Participants will understand:

  • The difference between wicked problems and critical problems
  • Why change is hard
  • The high cost of non-implementation
  • Implementation frameworks and teams serve as a conduit to scale evidence-based practices

Additional Information

Product Code: EWP258

Webinar FAQ

I will not be able to attend the live webinar. Will I be able to watch the webinar at a later date?
Yes. All webinars are recorded and made accessible on our website. The recording is made available for viewing approximately one week after the webinar’s live date. Please return to this page at that time to view the recording.

If you register for the webinar, we will send you an email once the recording is available.

Do you offer certification or proof of attendance?
For webinars hosted by Solution Tree, certificates are provided to attendees of the live webinar only. For our partner webinars with edWeb, certificates are provided to live attendees, as well as those who view the webinar recording via the edWeb website link. Please refer to edWeb's tips page for more information.

Where can I see a list of upcoming webinars?
All past and upcoming webinars are on our webinar page. For Solution Tree webinars, visit SolutionTree.com/Webinars. For Marzano webinars, visit MarzanoResources.com/Webinars.

Book Study FAQ

Will the book study be recorded?
Sessions of select book studies are recorded and made accessible on our website. The recording is made available for viewing approximately 2–3 business days after the book study's live date. Please return to this page at that time to view the recording. Recordings are made available for a limited time.

Can I join if I have missed a session?
Yes, you can join a book study at any time during its live broadcast.

Will a copy of the book be provided to participants?
No, a copy of the book will not be provided. You may order the book at any time. We encourage you to have a copy of the book to more closely follow along with the presenter, but having a copy of the book is not required.

Do you offer certification or proof of attendance?
Certificates are provided to attendees of live book study sessions only. Certificates are emailed to all attendees of live sessions approximately one week after the webinar. Certificates are not provided to viewers of recorded sessions.