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It’s Your Turn

Teachers as Facilitators—A Handbook

By: Robert Garmston, Carolyn McKanders

This book is for teacher-facilitators who want to learn, grow, and make a difference in their profession. The authors each bring decades of practice facilitating groups and teaching others to confidently facilitate meetings. Their personal and collective experiences inform the resources and approaches in this handbook.

Availability: This product will ship in July
Publication date:
Format: Paperback

Build confidence and competence as a teacher-facilitator

In It’s Your Turn, authors Robert Garmston and Carolyn McKanders increase the confidence and competence of teacher-facilitators while mitigating the challenges and tensions they face. Educators using this handbook will learn to use language that conveys positive intentions and stimulates a group’s work, authentically gain trust, improvise when plans falter, and understand the importance of diversity within groups.

This book will help teacher-facilitators:

  • Gain confidence in leading groups and meetings
  • Receive tips to make group members feel accepted and safe
  • Learn how to improvise when things don’t go as planned
  • Understand the benefits of diverse groups
  • Consider how problems can be opportunities for positive change

Additional Information

Product Code: BKG238

ISBN: 9781962188555