Building Strong Schools With the PLC at Work™ Process Webinar
Learn how U.S. Grant High School changed from the “dropout factory” to an engine of hope for the students it serves, and how its success can be replicated anywhere.
Building Strong Schools With the PLC at Work™ Process Webinar
The Oklahoman reported, “In less than four years, U.S. Grant High School in Oklahoma City went from failing to meet student testing standards to nearly acing the state’s A–F report card” (January 21, 2014). At this webinar, Sharon V. Kramer, turnaround coach, and Clay Vinyard, principal of Grant, will be joined by special guests Richard DuFour and Rebecca DuFour—architects of the PLC at Work™ process. Together, they will describe how the school changed from the “dropout factory” and “ground zero of education reform in Oklahoma” to an engine of hope for the students it serves. They will discuss the key attributes of Grant’s success that can be replicated in schools anywhere.
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Product Code: EWP060
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