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Joellen Killion

Joellen Killion serves as the senior advisor for Learning Forward. With more than 40 years’ experience, she leads, facilitates, and contributes to initiatives related to examining the link between professional learning and student learning.


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Joellen Killion

Joellen Killion is a leadership and learning presenter residing in Lakeway, Texas. She serves as the senior advisor for Learning Forward. A champion for educator learning as the primary pathway to student success, Joellen leads, facilitates, and contributes to initiatives related to examining the link between professional learning and student learning. She has more than 40 years of experience in planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating professional learning in schools; school systems; state, ministry, and regional education agencies; international schools; and professional associations.

Joellen is a member of Learning Forward (formerly the National Staff Development Council), the American Educational Research Association, Phi Delta Kappa, and the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. She presents at many international and US-based educational conferences and has presented at 37 consecutive Learning Forward conferences on her work and research in curriculum, professional learning, coaching, and leadership. She received merit recognition for her work with Adams 12 Five Star Schools and Learning Forward. She initiated Learning Forward’s Coaches Academy and led the development, research, and implementation of the Standards for Professional Learning and the design and implementation of comprehensive professional learning systems for the Common Core State Standards curriculum.

Joellen has an undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan in classical studies and has completed master’s degrees in communication, educational leadership, and advanced studies at the University of Colorado. Her studies include facilitation, evaluation, and coaching through professional programs.