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Teaching and Leading Educator Wellness Portable Event Package

Virtual Event | Now through Dec 31, 2025
  • Participants have full access to sessions for 60 days after activation.

Teaching and Leading Educator Wellness Portable Event Package

In a time of relentless stress and change, it’s crucial for adults in schools to prioritize their own self-care, so they can be at their best for themselves and their students. The Teaching and Leading Educator Wellness Portable Event Package is thoughtfully designed to support a healthy, balanced, and meaningful professional life for all school employees—from teachers, administrators, and support staff to social workers, nurses, and counselors.

Led by Dr. Timothy D. Kanold and Dr. Tina H. Boogren, this portable event brings together a select group of authors and presenters who collectively share words of wisdom, messages of inspiration, and research-affirmed routines for self-care, self-compassion, and self-reflection. At the end of your virtual event experience, you and your team will feel empowered to make positive contributions across your school community and lead a healthier daily work life this season and every school season.

With this Portable Event Package, individuals or entire teams will receive 60-day access to:

  • Two inspiring keynotes
  • Nine in-depth learning sessions

Learning Outcomes:

  • Consider how educator well-being impacts student achievement.
  • Uncover your heartprint and soul story and use both to pursue happiness, compassion, and gratitude.
  • Learn the 2-minute rule and a 5-step process for developing new habits and routines that lead to increased joy and grace at work.
  • Review the four seasons of a school year and learn easy-to-implement hacks to help yourself and/or your staff members thrive through each phase.
  • Examine the six phases of being a beginning teacher and how the pandemic has impacted each phase.
  • Understand how to practice self-care to avoid early career burnout that so often leads to teachers changing careers.
  • Set goals you want to accomplish, while letting go of demands that don’t matter.
  • Nurture your own social and emotional skills in order to fully support the social-emotional learning (SEL) needs of students.
  • Download the detailed agenda

    Keynote Sessions

    Your Physical and Mental Wellness Dimensions: The Foundation for Living Your Best Life Every Day! — Preview
    Tina H. Boogren

    Your Emotional and Social Wellness Dimensions: The Pathway for Living Your Best Life Every Day!
    Timothy D. Kanold

    Breakout Sessions: Leading and Coaching Educator Wellness

    Leading an Educator Wellness Culture in Your School and District — Preview
    Bill Barnes and Erin Lehmann

    Integrating Educator Wellness Into Your High Reliability School Culture — Preview
    Tina H. Boogren

    Integrating Educator Wellness Into Your PLC at Work Collaborative Life — Preview
    Timothy D. Kanold

    Efficacy Routines: Boosting Your Confidence to Be Your Best Every Day — Preview
    Jasmine K. Kullar

    Breakout Sessions: The Four Dimensions of Educator Wellness

    My Why Is Bigger Than Me — Preview
    Regina Stephens Owens

    Mental Wellness Routines: Using Decision-Making, Balance, and Self-Efficacy to Live a High-Energy Life — Preview
    Joshua Ray

    Emotional Wellness Routines: Developing Awareness, Understanding, and Mindfulness Actions for Overcoming Everyday Obstacles — Preview
    Georgina Rivera

    Physical Wellness Routines: Becoming Intentional About Your Food, Movement, and Sleep Actions and Habits — Preview
    Adrienne Turner

    Participation Information

    Attendees will print their own certificates after each session they complete on the virtual platform.

    Portable Event Package FAQ

    How does a Portable Event Package work?
    A Solution Tree Portable Event Package is an on-demand virtual event focused on a specific topic. These events feature leading experts delivering keynotes and breakout sessions designed for maximum impact and crafted for a virtual format. Once you register and access your Portable Event Package, you will have 60 days to view the content. Our video platform allows you to start, stop, pause, and then pick up where you left off. Session handouts and reproducibles will be provided digitally.

    Where does the Portable Event Package content come from?
    The content is either sourced from previous on-site or virtual events or created specifically for the Portable Event Package by experts.

    How do you use the Portable Event Package?
    The format varies based on the Portable Event Package purchased. PLC and RTI Portable Event Packages offer different viewing options based on your role and needs, and their expansive breakout options allow for a more self-guided experience. Other Portable Event Packages are designed for more structured viewing, with participants completing sessions based on an agenda.

    How long do you have access to your Portable Event Package?
    You have 60 days of unlimited viewing access, beginning when you view your first session. During those 60 days you will have access to all content.

    How much time does each session take to complete?
    The length of each session varies. Typically sessions take 75–90 minutes to complete, but some sessions are shorter by design.

    How many educators can I register from my school or district?
    You can register an unlimited number of educators. A Portable Event Package is an excellent tool for teams to work on together, and beginning dates are flexible, allowing participants to start and stop as they choose.

    Can I register as an individual?
    Yes. Portable Event Packages can be purchased and used by individuals.

    Can course participants earn CEUs?
    Yes. Depending on which Portable Event Package you purchase, you can earn varying CEUs. After completing sessions, attendees will find a certificate of participation in the digital platform under each session. Certificates are available a limited time, until event access has expired. Please check with your department of education for CEU availability.

    Additional Information

    Included with your registration

    Educator Wellness

    Educator Wellness

    Educator and teacher self-care can be challenging, but embracing a holistic health and wellness plan can improve your physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being both inside and outside of school. This reflective journal provides the ideas and guidance you need to support you on your wellness journey.