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Rhonda J. Roos

Rhonda J. Roos, PhD, is an educational expert coaching principals, district leaders, and administrative teams in the ever-challenging work of leading schools. Dr. Roos has served in diverse roles such as a guidance counselor, English teacher, and district administrator.


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Rhonda J. Roos

Rhonda J. Roos, PhD, is an educational expert, coaching principals, district leaders, and administrative teams in the complex and ever-challenging work of leading schools. She is a former director of middle schools in New Albany, Indiana, where she led curricular improvement, aligning those efforts with the district’s progress in becoming a professional learning community. Dr. Roos has been an educator since 1983 serving as a guidance counselor, English teacher, middle school principal, and district administrator. She has taught graduate courses on leadership at Indiana University Southeast in New Albany, Indiana, and Spalding University in Louisville, Kentucky.

Dr. Roos currently serves on the leadership team of the Indiana Principal Leadership Institute and is a regular keynote speaker. Honors include the 2010 Indiana Middle School Principal of the Year, 2011 Solution Tree “Redefining Excellence District Award” and the 2015 Indiana University Southeast Educator of the Year. Dr. Roos's book, published by Solution Tree, is titled The Deliberate & Courageous Principal. Dr. Roos's dissertation, "An Examination of Principals in Effective High-Poverty Middle Schools with High Achievement,” was completed in 2014, and she coauthored an article in the NASSP Bulletin entitled “Brain-Compatible Secondary Schools: The Visionary Principal’s Role.”

Dr. Roos received a bachelor’s degree in English from Eastern Kentucky University, and a master’s degree in counseling from Western Kentucky University. Her administrative license through the Experiential Program for Preparing School Principals (EPPSP) from Butler University and her EdS and doctorate are from Indiana State University.