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Tracey A. Hulen

Tracey A. Hulen is an elementary and middle school mathematics and SEL specialist who has experience leading two professional learning communities in Fairfax County, Virginia, to Model PLC status.


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Tracey A. Hulen

Tracey A. Hulen is an elementary and middle school mathematics specialist who has experience leading two professional learning communities in Fairfax County, Virginia, to Model PLC status. She specializes in mathematics and social-emotional learning and has a wide range of experience collaborating around data-driven instruction.

Tracey served as a mathematics specialist at Mason Crest Elementary School in Annandale, Virginia, a model PLC and winner of the inaugural DuFour Award in 2016. Her work with PreK–6 teacher teams and was instrumental in helping build and support the school’s innovative mathematics program. Tracey also worked to support early childhood teams by integrating social-emotional learning with academic learning. Under her leadership, Mason Crest consistently achieved outstanding results in mathematics on the Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools.

In addition to her work at Mason Crest, Tracey worked with the mathematics team at the Fairfax County Public Schools Instructional Services Department, which serves 141 elementary schools in Virginia. Her work supported the development of FCPS’s rigorous mathematics curriculum, assessments, and instructional programs. Tracey also facilitated FCPS’s mathematics professional development for administrators, instructional coaches, and elementary teachers. She worked to provide more individualized support to schools in planning, creating assessments, data discussion, implementing lesson study, differentiating instruction, and utilizing best practices in mathematics.

In 2006, Tracey was a Title I mathematics coach, passionately leading other mathematics specialists and resources teachers in Fairfax County’s Title I schools. Tracey previously served as a member of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Educational Materials Committee, advising board members on matters related to the council’s publications, as well as proposing, reviewing, and approving manuscripts for publication.

Along with Ann Bailey-Lipsett, Tracey is the coauthor of Building Blocks for Social-Emotional Learning: Creating Safe, Secure, and Successful Elementary Schools. She is also the coauthor of the book What About Us?: The PLC at Work® Process for Grades PreK–2 Teams along with Diane Kerr, Jacqueline Heller, and Brian K. Butler. Her writing has also been published in AllThingsPLC Magazine and The Journal of Mathematics and Science: Collaborative Explorations from the Virginia Mathematics and Science Coalition.

Tracey earned a bachelor of science in education from Pennsylvania State University and a master’s degree in education from the University of Virginia. She also has earned a specialization in The Teacher and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) from the University of Colorado–Boulder.

To learn more about Tracey's work, follow her on Twitter @traceyhulen.

Presentations by Tracey A. Hulen

  • Building Culture, Climate, Safe Effective Learning Environments, and Multi-Layered Systems Responding to School and Student Needs
  • Developmentally Appropriate Assessments and Tools for Analyzing Data in Elementary
  • Differentiating Instruction to Engage, Support, and Extend Elementary Students
  • Integrating Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) with Academic Learning in the Elementary Grades