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Unstoppable Learning: Seven Essential Elements to Unleash Student Potential Webinar

By: Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey

Dr. Fisher and Dr. Frey along with John Nelson share the steps Chula Vista took to significantly impact student achievement. Learn how you can replicate their powerful results in your school.

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Unstoppable Learning: Seven Essential Elements to Unleash Student Potential Webinar

Student progress at Chula Vista Elementary School as measured by the California Standards Test in both ELA and mathematics doubled from 2002 to 2013.

Located in San Diego, Chula Vista serves many transborder families and is among the 30 of 40 noncharter schools in the district to receive Title I funding. From 2002 to 2006, student achievement data throughout the district remained relatively flat, prompting district leadership to take action. In 2007, Chula Vista decided to partner with renowned experts Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey to transform teaching and learning districtwide. The results—both qualitative and quantitative—have been amazing!

Dr. Fisher and Dr. Frey, creators of Unstoppable Learning, along with John Nelson, assistant superintendent of the Chula Vista Elementary School District, will share the steps Chula Vista took to significantly impact student achievement. Learn how you can replicate their powerful results in your school.

  • Implement the gradual release instructional model.
  • Integrate collaborative learning into classrooms.
  • Encourage student-to-student interaction.
  • Establish instructional leadership teams.
  • Identify key indicators for productive group work.
  • Develop a common language around instructional delivery.

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Product Code: EWP070

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