Books & Videos
- The Green Literacy Handbook
Inspire Environmental Stewardship Through Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing, Grades K–5
The Green Literacy Handbook blends environmental awareness with critical literacy, empowering educators to create lessons with thematic unit plans focusing on biodiversity, climate change, and systems thinking. Through hands-on implementation, students build better environmental responsibility and school community engagement.
$40.95 - Guide on the Side
Sequencing Instruction for Self-Regulated Learners
Julia A. Simms explores self-regulated learning through brain-based learning, instructional sequences, and action research. Grounded in educational psychology and the research-based approach of Marzano Resources, this book examines cognitive skills, working memory, and self-efficacy. By implementing these strategies, educators can empower students to take charge of their learning.
$40.95 - Mini Moves for Every Writer
Fifty Transferable Techniques for Writing Across the Content Areas
Whether used in classrooms or across the district, this source will provide a path to successful writing instruction in content areas like mathematics, science, and history. Educators using this guide can help students develop the writing skills necessary to improve content literacy and find their voice in writing with targeted approaches, online resources, and ready-to-use lesson plans.
$43.95 - Raising Up Readers
Twenty-Five Scaffolding Strategies to Help Students Access Challenging Text
This practical guide offers K–5 teachers, coaches, and leaders 25 strategies to boost student literacy achievement. Organized into before-reading, during-reading, and after-reading text scaffolding strategies, these methods advocate for engaging all students in challenging texts. Learn how to adapt these strategies for whole-class, small-group, and partner instruction.
$40.95 - The Handbook for Highly Effective Teams in a PLC at Work®
Essential Actions for Tackling Critical Issues
This book provides a clear, practical roadmap for teams to enhance their impact by building a strong foundation for collaboration, gaining clarity on essential student learning, leveraging assessments as learning tools, and ensuring every student receives the time and support needed to achieve high levels.
$43.95 - Honoring Each Learner
How to Develop Individualized Learning Plans for All Students
Create a truly equitable classroom by understanding and addressing individual student needs. Learn to identify each student’s unique strengths and challenges. Gain practical strategies and tools to develop personalized learning plans, track progress, and adapt your approach to help every student thrive.
$40.95 - Redesigning Small-Group Reading Instruction
Structured Literacy Practices for Differentiation, Acceleration, and Intervention
Grades K–8 teachers, curriculum specialists, literacy coaches, reading interventionists, and administrators gain research-based strategies for small-group reading instruction tailored to five developmental phases. This book equips you with practical templates and reading strategies for effective small-group instruction, catering to each developmental phase.
$43.95 - Mathematics Teaching Reimagined
Seven Competencies to Foster Robust Student Learning and Engagement
Transform mathematics instruction with Nathan D. Lang-Raad’s comprehensive mathematical competencies framework. Discover practical strategies to integrate seven essential competencies that develop true mathematical proficiency and enhance student engagement in K–12 classrooms.
$35.95 - Making Deep Sense of Informational Texts
A Framework for Strengthening Comprehension in Grades 6–12
Equip secondary students with age-appropriate strategies to conquer complex informational texts. Gain specific techniques to boost student confidence and facilitate engaging discussions, ultimately fostering deep comprehension and enhancing literacy skills for adolescent readers.
$40.95 - Revolving Literacy
How to Connect Relevance and Future-Ready Skills to Secondary English Instruction
This book provides a step-by-step process for English educators to design future-ready literacy experiences in secondary English classrooms. Grades 6–12 teachers will find practical steps and resources, including reflection questions and tools, to aid curriculum development and reflection.