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On Solid Ground BESTSELLER

How PLC Practices Create the Foundation for a Successful Intervention Program

By: Mike Mattos

In this breakout session, Mike shows how professional learning community practices provide the foundation for a successful intervention program and offers practical, effective strategies for beginning to build that foundation.

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Format: Video

On Solid Ground

Decades of research have demonstrated that all students can learn at high levels and that schools control the factors that make it possible. In this breakout session, Mike shows how professional learning community practices provide the foundation for a successful intervention program and offers practical, effective strategies for beginning to build that foundation. Discover straightforward practices for planning and self-assessment that create successful intervention programs.

This package includes a DVD with the presenters session, a CD with the presenters slide presentation, an excerpt from the book Pyramid Response to Intervention, and more.

See other products in the Travel-Free PD Video series.

Related Topics

Professional Learning CommunitiesProfessional Learning Communities at Work®Response to InterventionRTI at Work™School Improvement

Additional Information

Product Code: DVF045

ISBN: 811796010438UPC

Published By: Solution Tree